Declaration of Support for Women’s Economic Empowerment
News EMPOWER HER Continest Technologies Plc – Member of AmCham Hungary 03/08/2024 International Woman's Day We, the signatories: Recognizing the contribution of women around the world and the importance of an equal and equitable…
Huge success: Continest is among the fastest growing companies in Europe
News PRESS RELEASE Székesfehérvár, Hungary, March 7, 2024 Financial Times has named Continest Technologies Plc., which exports its modular containers to nearly 30 countries, 18th in its TOP 1000 list of the most spectacularly developing…
Óriási siker: A Continest Európa leggyorsabban növekvő vállalatai között
News SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNY Székesfehérvár, 2024. március 7. A Financial Times Európa leglátványosabban fejlődő vállalatainak TOP 1000-es listáján, a moduláris konténereit közel 30 országba exportáló Continest Technologies…