Onwards & upwards!

Just a few months ago, our first foldable units arrived to the United States, and Continest's 20-foot modular buildings have already successfully participated in two prestigious sporting events - The Ocean Race and Formula E. Celebrating…

Continest units have recently made their debut in Germany as well, again with great success!

Our German partner, Europe's leading mobile event venue and roadshow provider, is a master of quality events, creative and exclusive implementation. We are very proud that Continest's modular units were chosen for the spectacular Fan Zone of…

Our Continest units will once again be on site at the biggest Scandinavian festivals

Our Norwegian partner, MyLift, recently delivered 90 modular Continest units to the 30th Sweden Rock festival in Sölvesborg, Sweden. The Continest containers will support the infrastructure of the event as temporary accommodation, offices,…

Our Australian partner has won the HIRE23 – BEST NEW PRODUCT prize with our products

Continest units arrived in Australia a few months ago, just in time for the start of their summer festival season. Our Australian partner, Prestige Modular, recently showcased the Continest CN20 Standard and CN Retail Units at the Geelong…

Summer is here and so is festival season!

You can find us there too! This summer’s outdoor music and sporting events will soon be underway in Europe and festival-goers will encounter Continest’s foldable units at more venues than ever. Continest - Award-winning, sustainable…

A Continesttel a kapcsolatom több mint húsz évvel ezelőtt kezdődött

A Continest USA vezérigazgatója, Yan Pronin néhány napot Magyarországon töltött, hogy alaposabb bepillantást nyerjen a Continest gyártási folyamataiba és mindeközben személyesen útjára indíthassa a székesfehérvári Continest…

My connection to Continest begins over 20 years ago

The CEO of Continest USA, Yan Pronin, spent a few days in Hungary to get a closer look at Continest's production processes and to help launch the first American shipment from the Continest factory in Székesfehérvár. The following article…

Continest Delivers Collapsible Containers Into Ever-expanding Market

Busy building his company, Continest CEO Vidor Kis-Márton, didn’t take a summer holiday from 2016 until last year. It was an investment that today is reaping its rewards. Based in Székesfehérvár, 65 km southwest of Budapest, Continest…

A mobile electric vehicle charging station was presented in Székesfehérvár

In Székesfehérvár, Continest Technologies Zrt. and its partners, Hotta Green Energy Kft. and Alte-Go Kft., as members of the Alteo group, presented a mobile and modular electric vehicle charging station called CONTe-GO. Kis-Márton…

Bárhol tölthetők az elektromos autók az ALTE-GO, a Continest és a HOTTA Green Energy közös fejlesztésével

SAJTÓKÖZLEMÉNY Székesfehérvár, 2023. február 27. Ma adták át hivatalosan az akár három elektromos autó egyidejű töltésére is alkalmas CONTe-GO autótöltő konténert, amely a maximális töltési sebesség érdekében…