Quick contact
Péter Varga
Defence Project Manager
Phone: +36 30 565 7064
Email: [email protected]
Péter Varga
Defence Project Manager
Phone: +36 30 565 7064
Email: [email protected]
”The entire military and defense industry is estimated to be responsible for 5% of the world’s total carbon dioxide emissions globally. This figure includes military bases, land, use of equipment, as well as military production.”
Dr Stuart Parkinson, SGR, assesses the latest data on the huge carbon emissions of the world’s militaries – and argues that only reductions in military spending will lead to the necessary cuts in this form of pollution. Article from Responsible Science journal, no.2; advance online publication: 8 January 2020
The defense industry is heavily influenced by the need for sustainability, as its activities often have a detrimental impact on the environment and resources. Managing emissions and environmental pollution poses a major challenge for sustainability in the defense industry.
This means using cleaner fuels for military vehicles and implementing better oil spill prevention and treatment measures for the Navy.
Sustainability is also crucial in procurement. Materials and components in the defense industry can be expensive and scarce. By adopting sustainable procurement practices and improving material efficiency, companies can ensure long-term procurement stability and reduce their reliance on rare materials.
”If the world’s militaries were a single nation, our estimate would put it fourth – behind China, the USA, and India – but above Russia and Japan (see Figure 1). This means that the reduction of a potentially large source of carbon emissions is currently not widely recognised, let alone prioritised. Given the degree of control that governments have over the sizes of their militaries, there is a huge and largely unrecognised opportunity to reduce emissions.” /Dr Stuart Parkinson: How big are global military carbon emmissins? / Article from Responsible Science journal no.5; online publication: 8 July 2023/
Social responsibility is another aspect of sustainability in the defense industry. Companies must recognize their impact on communities and employees and strive to have a positive influence. This includes ensuring the health and safety of employees, supporting communities, and providing training and development opportunities.
In conclusion, sustainability is crucial for addressing environmental challenges, ensuring procurement stability, and promoting social responsibility in the defense industry.
By implementing sustainable practices, the industry can achieve long-term stability and success.
Continest’s foldable containers and innovative technology developments can provide relevant solutions for the defense industry in terms of sustainability.
Continest’s mobile, modular, and off-grid compatible units have been successfully utilized in humanitarian missions and disaster relief projects by various defense forces and organizations, including the Hungarian Defense Forces, the United States Army, the Canadian Ministry of Defense (DND), the Dutch Army, and NATO member countries’ defense industry organizations.
When protection, organization and provision of supply lines require a large use of human and transport energy resources (high security risk, convoy escort, redeployment of security forces, drivers, trucks, fuel, significant emissions), CN units provide increased transport capacity on land, air, and water logistics routes.
Set-up and tear-down time is measured in minutes instead of hours or days, which provides important operational advantages both when arriving and leaving the site.
Modular, reusable, easily converted and retrofitted, can be supplemented with additional protection functions. One tool – multiple uses. No new purchases, no new deliveries, just conversion to meet your needs.
CN Hybrid independent energy source from renewable energy – scalable PV and battery system according to user needs
Partially to Fully Self-Sufficient Energy Supply.
An innovative solution jointly developed by Continest (HUN) and Guardiaris (SLO); First-ever laserless indoor simulation trainer; Simulator complex housed in 3 foldable container units.
R&D project with the Institute of Modernization of the Hungarian Defence Forces.
Transportable with three flatbed semi-trailer trucks or five 20-foot side-loading container trailers. Resistance of the ballistic protection is ensured by the SSAB Armox 600T armour.
Can be relocated and fully operational within 12 hours!
No request is too big; no question is too trivial. Communication is key! Reach out to us today and get started on a journey that will change your business and your life.